A warm welcome to the new Kluwer Mediation Blog from the co-editors, Bill Marsh and Nadja Alexander! We hope this will be the first of many visits you make.
One of the great satisfactions and challenges of the mediation field is its variety. Talk to anyone involved and it won’t be long before differing views emerge, particularly on the ‘how to’ questions – mediation techniques and interventions, ‘what to do when X happens’. But also on countless other issues – ethics, training, regulation, what clients really want, what role the courts should play, multi-party mediation challenges, what does mediation confidentiality really mean, expanding the field, and so on. The list is endless.
And that is what this blog is really about: exchanging a rich variety of views on all mediation issues.
We have an excellent team of regular bloggers from across Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australasia and Africa who will post monthly. Guest bloggers who will also contribute, and we are particularly honoured that Slovenian Minister of Justice Ales Zalar has contributed an inaugural guest blog. His leadership in this field is well-known and widely valued.
And then of course there’s you. Whether you are a full-time or first-time mediator, a regular or reluctant client, a policy-maker, lawyer, judge, trainer, academic, or just vaguely interested, we hope you will join in the debate.
Bill Marsh and Nadja Alexander
To make sure you do not miss out on regular updates from the Kluwer Mediation Blog, please subscribe here.

Congratulations on the launch of this new blog!Great to have another forum to read about any new techniques and shared mediation experiences and to gather more tools for my toolbox! Mediators are themselves instruments in the development of mediation wherever globally based. May your blog bear much fruit.
Best Wishes
Angela Mitakidis
Manager and Mediator
Eagles Mediation and Counselling Services: Singapore