I.                        Introduction   Part I of this 2-part series, dealt with the following aspects of the Act: the underlying objective behind enforcement of the Act; the scope of applicability of the Act; how does the Act define the term “Mediation” and the significance of that definition; and lastly, the meaning of a “mediation agreement” as…

Introduction   Mediation is commonly used as a form of appropriate dispute resolution (ADR) for various types of disputes, and this is increasingly so for intellectual property (IP) disputes. As recorded in the inaugural IP section of the Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy (SIDRA) Survey: 2024 Final Report (SIDRA IP Survey), 86% of the respondents…

In his book ‘Growth – A Reckoning’,  Daniel Susskind eloquently sets out what he terms the ‘Growth Dilemma’ – how to balance the promise of economic growth against its price. The promise comes through the increased productivity inherent in economic growth, which has led to significant improvements in living standards and life expectancy across the…

I.     Background That India is a litigious country and that the courts have a backlog of a huge number of cases is a well-worn cliché. Against such a backdrop, the stage has been set for a mediation law for India which will aim to encourage parties to mediate and resolve disputes instead of stepping…

With the arrival of betting platforms and apps in Brazil, discussions about their impacts are on the rise. These games, which promise quick fun, and easy rewards, often trap players in a dangerous mental loop: the myth of the next move. It is the illusion that just one more round will recover all previous losses….

“Beat your ploughshares into swords, and your pruning-hooks into spears.” Surely some mistake, I thought; shouldn’t it be the other way round? Swords into ploughshares and spears into pruning-hooks? It was during Evensong at the magnificent Liverpool Cathedral a few weeks ago that this reading from the Old Testament Book of the prophet Joel caught…

Nadja: Irakli , thanks for making the time for this chat. Before we start, can you say a little bit about your role in mediation in Georgia and the region?Irakli: Thank you for inviting me and expressing interest towards Georgian mediation. I hold several roles in the development of mediation in Georgia: as the Chairman…

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), supported by the European Union, established a “Support to Justice Initiatives Curbing Corruption and Promoting Commercial Dispute Resolution Programme” in Iraq in 2021. As part of that programme, the UNDP organised two intensive courses in commercial mediation for university law faculties in January and February 2024, taking place in…

In recent months, Brazilian startups such as Hurb and 123 Milhas, two prominent players in the country’s tourism market, have encountered significant financial challenges. These companies offered highly attractive promotional travel packages at exceptionally low prices, creating a large customer base. However, when the financial pressures grew, both companies found themselves unable to fulfill some…

I’m not really a fan of musicals so I was rather surprised to find myself responding to a friend’s recommendation and booking tickets for of ‘Hamilton’. Having taken the plunge I went further and started on Ron Chernow’s epic biography of Alexander Hamilton. Both the performance and the book are excellent. The show is great…