How do you get people to eat more fruit and less junk food? How do you get more people to agree to donate their organs? How do you get more people to engage in cross-border mediation? I’ll come back to food and organs shortly. Let’s stay with mediation for a minute. Within Asia, Hong Kong,…

Two stories currently making headlines in Canada provide the occasion to harken back to previous posts on this blog. Mediation Backlog – Ontario No-Fault Auto Insurance Disputes  In March of this year I blogged about the consequences of under-resourcing mandatory mediation programs. The Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) had (and still has) a huge…

It’s nice to be asked.  It means that someone somewhere is taking notice of your work.  Yes conference invitations are generally a good thing.  They are a bit like buses though.  You hang around for eons waiting on them and then suddenly two come at once.  Thus I find myself this May being invited to…