The mediators are complex personalities. The mediators are part of the world-wide intellectual elite by promoting the purpose, the importance and the usefulness of the collaborative thinking in the pursuit of a vision founded on the quality of life.
The mediators are helping people with cleaning the “dust of ignorance” off the human diamante, rediscovering the nobles within us.
And all of the above is true, because the mediators care for human evolution through peace and better people.
In addition to the necessity of having skills and knowledge, the mediators are human beings that need a wide pool of human attributes available. Different contexts require the conscious use of different personal qualities for best services available in the interest of the users.
We can be so much more effective as mediators if we find the time to self-reflect and think about whom we really are, our strengths and weaknesses, our personalities, our emotions, our values and our personal attributes. A high level of self-awareness and self-control will enable us to act, to learn, to adapt and to improve continuously.
Here’s a list of useful qualities to start with:
1. Active
2. Accurate
3. Adaptable
4. Aesthetic sense
5. Affectionate
6. Alert
7. Altruistic
8. Ambitious
9. Analytical
10. Anticipatory
11. Appreciative
12. Appealing
13. Artistic
14. Assertive
15. Available
16. Balanced
17. Brave
18. Bright
19. Calculated
20. Calm
21. Capable
22. Careful
23. Caring
24. Cautious
25. Centered
26. Cerebral
27. Charismatic
28. Charming
29. Cheerful
30. Clear-Thinking
31. Communicative
32. Compassionate
33. Compatible
34. Competetive
35. Conciliating
36. Confident
37. Conscientious
38. Consistent
39. Convincing
40. Cooperative
41. Correct
42. Courageous
43. Creative
44. Curious
45. Decisive
46. Delicate
47. Delightful
48. Demanding
49. Dependable
50. Determined
51. Devoted
52. Diligent
53. Diplomat
54. Disciplined
55. Discrete
56. Dynamic
57. Eager
58. Easy-Going
59. Educated
60. Efficient
61. Elegant
62. Eloquent
63. Emotional
64. Empathic
65. Encyclopedic
66. Energetic
67. Enthusiastic
68. Experienced
69. Fair
70. Faithful
71. Farsighted
72. Fine psychologist
73. Firm
74. Flexible/adaptive
75. Focused
76. Forgiving
77. Fresh
78. Friendly
79. Funny
80. Generous
81. Gentle
82. Good communicator
83. Good listener
84. Good manager
85. Good mood
86. Good negotiator
87. Good organizer
88. Good speaker
89. Happy
90. Harmonious
91. Helpful
92. Honest
93. Hopeful
94. Humane
95. Humble
96. Imaginative
97. Impartial
98. Impetuous
99. Incorruptible
100. Independent
101. Innovative
102. Insightful
103. Inspired
104. Inspirational
105. Intelligent
106. Intense
107. Intuitive
108. Inventive
109. Joyful
110. Jovial
111. Kind
112. Leading
113. Livable
114. Loyal
115. Mediator
116. Methodical
117. Meticulous
118. Modest behavior
119. Moral
120. Motivating
121. Natural
122. Needed
123. Neutral
124. Nice
125. Noticeable
126. Objective
127. Open
128. Optimistic
129. Ordered
130. Original
131. Organized
132. Passionate
133. Patient
134. Peaceful
135. Permissive
136. Persevering
137. Persistent
138. Perspicacious
139. Persuasive
140. Pleasant
141. Poetic
142. Polite
143. Positive
144. Powerful
145. Practical
146. Pragmatic
147. Precious
148. Precise
149. Presentable
150. Profound
151. Professional
152. Punctual
153. Purposeful
154. Questioning
155. Quiet
156. Radiant
157. Rational
158. Realistic
159. Reasoned
160. Receptive
161. Refined
162. Refreshing
163. Reliable
164. Resistant
165. Resourceful
166. Respectful
167. Responsible
168. Rigorous
169. Self-Aware
170. Self-Confident
171. Self-Control
172. Self-Disciplined
173. Self-Knowledge
174. Sense of humor
175. Sensitive
176. Serious
177. Sharp
178. Simple
179. Sincere
180. Skilled
181. Smart
182. Smooth
183. Sociable
184. Spectacular
185. Spiritual
186. Spontaneous
187. Strategic
188. Studious
189. Strong
190. Synthetic
191. Successful
192. Supportive
193. Tactful
194. Talented
195. Tenacious
196. Thorough
197. Thoughtful
198. Tolerant
199. Tough
200. Trusting
201. Trustworthy
202. Understanding
203. Useful
204. Valuable
205. Vigilant
206. Vigorous
207. Visionary
208. Warm
209. Well-ordered
210. Willing
211. Wise
212. Worthy
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I have just commenced the Certificate 1V in Mediation. I am 42 and about to embark on a new journey. Well I say new when really what I mean is a new career not a new life.
In point of fact I have tended to mediate on a regular basis from when I can remember simply through human relations and human interactions.
I have always believed that I have a complex personality and have been told as such by other like-minded people.
Reading your article was a complete 100% realisation of who I am. The article was SIMPLY AMAZING.
Thank you for taking the time to deliver
your message!
Very nice. I just completed 40 hours of Mediation Training in Ranchi by the Supreme Court Mediators & and filound this very interesting, knowledgeable & practical.
Thank you very much for your comments. The list is open to new entries. 🙂