I would like to do something a little different from the usual monthly blog entry. I have in previous entries (July 2012 and July 2013) written about a peer mediation initiative that was the brainchild of my friend Aloysius Goh. The general idea is to teach 13-16 year olds how to resolve conflicts amicably in a workshop cum competition format. This initiative has grown from strength to strength and was held this year from 28 to 30 October 2015.
As part of the events, we asked students from different schools to work together to create a visual metaphor for mediation. I would like to, in this entry, share with readers the 5 visual metaphors that the students came up with. Where the visual metaphors are self explanatory, no commentary will be provided.
1. Mediation is a Bridge
2. Mediation is like an Ocean
The students saw mediation as an ocean. It was full of possible destinations yet fraught with dangers. One therefore needed a sturdy ship and a compass to guide parties through their conflict and reach their destination safely.
3. Mediation is like Driving a Car
4. Mediation is Photography
5. Mediation is like a Cactus
Needless to say, the organisers, teaching faculty and judges were amazed by the insights in the metaphors that the students came up with. And a little child shall lead them indeed! I hope readers have enjoyed the contributions of these young mediators and perhaps even gained some insight.
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These are all wonderful illustrations of what mediation can be and accomplish. What an excellent exercise!