In March 2014, Sabine Walsh blogged here on the proposed regulation for mediator certification in Germany. This has finally been published by the German Ministry of Justice, on 21 August 2016. The regulation will come into force on 1 September 2017. It was first promised in Germany’s mediation law in 2012, itself made necessary by…

Change, transformation, and peace. These are some of the words that the participants of the project “Mediation: a new tool for dealing with conflicts In Youth Work” stated when we asked them to define their experience during that week. “Mediation: a new tool for dealing with conflicts In Youth Work” was a combined Training Course…

If you have been following this four-part series, you will be aware that Nadja Alexander, Anna Howard and I have been reflecting on a very current subject for the dispute resolution community: the enforceability of international commercial settlement agreements resulting from mediation. This week, the UNCITRAL Working Group II on arbitration and conciliation has been…

The 65th session of the UNCITRAL Working Group II on arbitration and conciliation in Vienna has commenced. Many mediators have been keenly monitoring the Working Group’s deliberations and discussions concerning the enforcement of international commercial settlement agreements resulting from conciliations (iMSAs). An unresolved but crucial question is the exact form that the final instrument should take….

Many thanks to everyone who took part in the Kluwer Mediation Blog’s inaugural summer quiz. We are delighted to announce that the winner is Dr Despina Chatzimanoli, an accredited mediator and Legal Expert at the European Banking Authority in London. Congratulations Despina. The coveted prize is a copy of the very recently published Essays on Mediation,…

A few months ago I painted a not-terribly-flattering picture of Scottish justice as experienced by small claimants – (Oiling the Wheels of the Justice System). Seen through the eyes of a mediator (and ex-lawyer) the language, practices and architecture seem calculated to confuse those most in need of assistance and clarity like unrepresented parties and…